Little Team, Big Results.

An intimate, agile team allows for focus and attention to detail. We take a collaborative approach to business, proudly empowering talented women creatives, on an as-needed basis. Only .1% of creative agencies are owned by women — we're here to change that by harnessing the power of community and the impact that can come from it. When we co-create with a diverse group of women who share our values, this passion is echoed in our work, and the stats grow in our favor.


We echo these grounding elements daily.
Guiding how we approach, create, and communicate.





Meet Alex, Founder & Creative Director.

The visual world inspires me every day. 

I’m a total type nerd, a lover of all things tactile and textural, obsessed with the little details and have now embraced the learnings and importance of slowing down in life.

My story starts with gaining a BFA in Advertising & Graphic Design from The School of Visual Arts in New York City. From there I worked in corporate advertising agencies, global fortune 500 companies, where I was pushing pixels as fast as I could and working many late nights concepting for the next business pitch.

It thrilling at first, I even worked abroad in agencies in Warsaw, Poland and Bangkok, Thailand – but then it got exhausting and over rated real fast. I switched from full-time to freelance, allowing myself more freedom and being able to choose my own projects. But I still wasn’t feeling fulfilled creatively and definitely didn’t feel like I was making any positive impact on this world – something I craved deeply.

In 2019 I founded Little Echo. Leveraging my big Ad Agency experience, and departing from hustle culture, allowed me to finally find my people. Not just the creatives that I work with but the brands and businesses I support – because the best ideas come from collaborating with people who share your vision. Surrounding myself with a community of like-minded innovators, artists and entrepreneurs has enabled my business to grow in a way that feels authentic and sustainable. We are able to remain agile, getting our clients impactful results quickly, while establishing meaningful relationships that continue to grow together.

Backed by a creative property – nature is our biggest source of inspiration, always echoing back to us.

Located on 38 acres,
we invite our clients to stay, play and produce with us.

Where the Hudson Valley meets the Berkshires, Moonbeams, is a slow down creative destination. Home to our creative studio, a recording and music production studio, and two stay experiences. It’s what fuels and inspires our work. It’s also home to Cosmo, our resident bear and mascot. Don’t worry, he’s really just our black fluffy dog.