Luna Nueva Wellness


Brand Strategy

Brand Identity


Website Design

Print & Digital Collateral


The Project

Luna Nueva Wellness takes an integrated approach to wellness for the mind, body, and soul. Each element is a vital part of the whole, and all are interconnected. The new moon (luna nueva) phase symbolizes a time of transformative introspection and planting seeds for new beginnings. They use a diverse variety of practices to support their clients. Coaching to enhance their personal or professional development. Accessible movement to build strength and ease in the body. Meditation and mindfulness to uplift the mind and nervous system. Immersive experiences to take them out of their everyday routine or build new connections and relationships within a group. Luna Nueva prides itself in being accessible to all, targeting underserved/oppressed communities and always being an advocate for social justice and systemic change. We worked closely with them to develop their Brand Identity Design, Website Design, Illustrations throughout and print and digital collateral. The phases of the moon are an important graphic element weaved throughout, a reflection of the human experience and the duality involved.
